Fitness Programming

We are committed to helping you reach your fitness goals. Therefore, the Adam F. Press Fitness Center offers the ability to obtain your specific fitness goals, as well as lifelong skills to achieve optimal health and well-being. 欢迎所有水平的健身,从新手锻炼者到为特定运动训练的运动员!


Fit 4 Life

Fit4Life@CC是一个免费的健身计划,旨在帮助我们的退休人员和他们的配偶/重要的其他人/家庭伴侣建立一个健康和有趣的健身计划. Fit4Life运动课程专注于提高功能健身,力量,耐力和平衡.

Each class is between 30-45 minutes and includes a warm-up, a demo of the exercises, and a full-body workout. We meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings each week; attend as your schedule permits.

Attendees can expect to learn how to perform bodyweight exercises, use strength equipment (dumbbells, kettlebells, and fixed barbells), and more! 不需要经验,所有的训练都可以根据每个人的能力进行调整.

Location: Adam F. Press Fitness Center

Day/Time: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 

Questions? Contact Christina Lorete at 

12 Week Home Fit 4 Life Workout Program

Group Fitness Classes

The Adam F. 新闻健身中心在整个学年提供各种团体健身课程,旨在提供一种减轻压力和培养积极健康和健身习惯的方法. The diverse selection of classes is dictated by the campus community. Expect each instructor to bring their own unique background and interests, so class style may vary depending on the instructor. In addition, 由于block schedule,整个学年的时间表都在不断发展和更新. Updated schedules can be found on the left side of this page, make sure to check and see the new offerings in each block!

总体而言,团体健身的目标是为赌博正规的十大网站社区的成员提供各种机会,以享受心血管的好处, flexibility, and strength training through safe, fun, and effective classes. We encourage and invite individuals of all fitness levels to participate, as classes are led with an emphasis on fitness, form, and function. 尝试所有的课程,找到最适合你目标的课程和教练,得到很好的锻炼!


Note: Due to the academic priority of our instructors, 我们将团体健身时间表延后至每期第一个星期一下午五时公布.

Class Descriptions:


  • 6 Pack Abs | A quick and effective way to target your abs. 重点是加强和调整你的腹部,同时促进健康的背部和核心.
  • Bootcamp | Looking to take your cardio and strength to the next level? 循环训练可以提高你的有氧耐力,同时保持你的肌肉负荷进行力量训练. 本课程在独特的健身环境中结合简单的运动训练,激励你努力完成.
  • Boxing | 这门课程由CC拳击俱乐部举办,将侧重于拳击技术,从出拳到步法. Do not mistake this class for kickboxing; it's geared toward those who are looking to learn or are dedicated to the sport.
  • HIIT | 高强度间歇训练是一种低到中等强度的间歇训练与高强度间歇训练交替进行的训练理念.
  • Latin Dance | Learn how to dance different Latin rhythms. Bring your joy, passion, and dance moves to what will be a mixture of styles, such as salsa, merengue, bachata, bolero, swing criollo, tango, and more!
  • POP Pilates | POP Pilates is Pilates like you've never seen before. It's an incredible fusion of ab-chiseling, total body-defining moves choreographed to your favorite Top 40 hits.
  • Salsa | Come learn this popular form of social dance! 虽然萨尔萨舞的名字是在纽约创造的,但它代表了拉丁音乐流派的混合.
  • Total Body Fitness | A fun mix of cardio, strength, and toning. This total body, high-intensity style program utilizes free weights, resistance and body weight, intervals, endurance, and plyometrics. No two classes are ever the same.
  • Yoga | 这是一组源于古印度的身体、心理和精神实践. 我们的课程侧重于从瑜伽的广义概念出发的身体技术体系, known as Hatha yoga. Hatha increases strength, flexibility, and awareness of the body; relaxation techniques help with stress relief. Within this practice, there is a variety of offerings including sunrise yoga, employee-focused yoga, yin yoga, bedtime yoga, and acro yoga.
  • Yoga Sculpt | When muscle meets yoga, Yoga Sculpt is born. Boost metabolism and build lean muscle mass as you move to upbeat tracks. This class combines the power of free weights, bodyweight resistance, plyometrics, cardio, and yoga to create one true full-body workout!
  • Zumba | 一种拉丁风格的有氧舞蹈锻炼,使用音乐和编排的步骤来形成健身派对的氛围. 虽然节目中的许多舞蹈和音乐类型都受到拉丁美洲的启发, 课程也可以包括爵士乐、非洲节奏、乡村音乐、嘻哈和流行音乐等各种内容.
Report an issue - Last updated: 04/22/2024