Billing and Finances for Blocks Away

Learn how blocks are financed, what charges to expect, and what financial aid is available to make a CC-led block away an option for all students.  Colorado College strives to make access, equity, and inclusion a hallmark of our global education program.

TUITION: No additional tuition is billed for a block away during the academic year.  你这学期的标准学费不会因为你决定和CC一起旅行而改变. 

PROGRAM FEE:  While tuition for a semester includes tuition for off-campus blocks, the travel expenses for the off-campus block is not included in a student's tuition, room & board charges.  These costs are paid through a program fee specific to each off-campus block course.  This fee covers travel-related expenses such as local housing, excursions, entry fees, guest speakers, local transportation, etc.

MEAL FUNDS: 住在校园里并有标准膳食计划的学生将在他们离开的街区收到该膳食计划的退款.  These funds can then be used to cover meal costs while away on the off-campus block.  住在校外的学生需要在校外街区支付餐费,就像他们在参加校内课程时一样. 

AIRFARE: Airfare is not included in the AY Off-Campus Block program fee, 然而,对于有资格获得街区援助奖的学生,机票费用被计算并包括在该街区的经济援助奖中(见下文)。. 

No, It is not. While CC used to require a program deposit, 这一规定已被取消,以确保不同经济能力的学生之间的公平.  Once a student is approved for a program, they are asked to sign (electronically) a Program Fee Agreement (PFA). 本协议承认学生对课程费用和取款政策的理解,并用作代替押金的占位符. PFA是学生和学院之间有约束力的协议,学生必须遵守协议中规定的政策.  在完成该协议(以及其他2个协议)并且学生选择“确认”作为申请选项之前,学生不会被认为完全批准并被录取进入街区课程.  

WITHDRAWAL DEADLINES: Each Academic Year Off-Campus Block has a set Student Withdrawal Deadline, typically 90 days prior to departure, but variable by program.  所有课程的退出截止日期都在相关学年的Blocks Away网站上公布.  这是一个需要记住的重要日期,因为在公布的截止日期之后退出课程可能会导致大量不可退还的费用.   For 2023-2024 the program Withdrawal Dates are:

  • Block 1: April 15, 2023
  • Block 2: May 1, 2023
  • Block 3: July 1, 2023
  • Block 4: August 1, 2023
  • Blocks 5 & 6:  October 1, 2023
  • Blocks 7 & 8:  December 1, 2023

FEES FOR LATE WITHDRAWAL : 学年块的退学费用由退学日期确定,因为它与此截止日期以及课程离开日期有关. 项目费用总额将由课程教师和Global Education决定,并将考虑学院为您支付的不可退还费用和所有参与学生共同承担的费用,以支持项目的结构性费用. 

  • Pre-Deadline Withdrawal:  $0 in fees are applied.
  • Withdrawal After the Deadline:  $100 minimum up to 100% of the program fee can be assessed.
  • Withdrawal within 30 days/1 block of departure: 25% of program fee is minimal charge, maximum can be up to 100% of program fee. 

FINANCIAL AID AND PROGRAM WITHDRAWAL: Financial aid awards cannot be used to cover withdrawal charges.  在某些情况下,获得大量资助的学生可能需要支付更多的钱来退出一个项目(特别是在一个街区内),而不是在获得资助的情况下继续学习.

WITHDRAWAL DUE TO MEDICAL NECESSITY: 如果有适当的文件证明退学是由于医疗需要,学生可以免除很大一部分逾期退学费用.  即使是医疗取款,CC也不能保证100%报销或取消费用, 但是,如果因医疗需要而退出,将尽一切努力尽量减少不可退还的费用.

REMOVAL FROM AN IN-PROGRESS PROGRAM: 由于纪律问题或行为问题而从正在进行的课程中除名的学生没有资格退还任何部分的课程费用.  由于医疗或家庭紧急情况而提前返回美国的学生可能有资格获得部分退还项目费用和/或我们的旅行保险承保与更改旅行计划相关的项目中断费用. 

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AID BASICS: Financial aid for AY blocks is awarded at the conclusion of the two annual Application Windows.  The primary Application Window is from February through March, 每年公布具体日期,作为明年大宗发行的一部分.  This is the only App Window for Blocks 1-6. Students applying for Block 7-8 programs are also encouraged to apply at this time.  第7-8校区的第二个申请和援助窗口也在每年秋季第1校区开放.  因为秋季申请窗口的援助金额取决于在3月份窗口获得Block 7或Block 8援助的申请人数量, it is recommended that students applying to Block 7-8 programs do so in the earlier window, when the aid pools are fully stocked.  

AWARD ELIGIBILITY: 所有赌博正规的十大网站的学生都可以获得援助,他们已经完成了第一学期的学习,并且目前正在学院接受基于需求的经济援助(FAFSA).S. students and CSS Profile for international students). 如果你之前已经收到CC AY Block Away (Block 1-8)的经济援助奖,你就没有资格再次申请. Note that AY aid awards are separate from CC Summer Block Away aid awards, so if you've been awarded a summer award before, you CAN apply for an award towards a block during the academic year. Each CC student is eligible for one summer award and one AY award during their degree program.

AWARDS & STUDENT ACCOUNTS: If you have an outstanding balance on your student account, no award will be made until the balance is cleared. Awards are not transferable; if you drop your course you must re-apply for an award for a different course (unless your original course was canceled).

Block Away Aid awards appear as a credit on a student's CC account.  If the aid award is less than the full program fee, then there will remain a portion of the program fee to be paid by the student, but if the aid award is larger than the program fee charge, the remaining funds after the program fee has been paid in full are available to the student. 学生可以从学生账户申请这些资金,这些资金将直接存入学生指定的银行账户.  Funds are made available at the beginning of the semester which contains the study away block, typically in late August or early January.  如果学生希望提前分配这些资金,他们可以向财政援助办公室申请1个月的预付款.  Payment in July or December is the earliest possible distribution of aid award funds.  

Awards are granted at the conclusion of each application window.  Several factors are used to determine the awarding of aid. These are:

  • Eligibility:  Student receives need-based aid and has not received an AY Block Away Aid Award in the past. 
  • Program Status:  Aid is awarded after program rosters have been selected.  Students approved for a program are eligible for aid. 在被邀请加入一个项目之前,被列入项目候补名单的学生也会被列入资助考虑的候补名单.  They then may receive an immediate award or, if no aid remains available, are moved into a waitlist for aid. 
  • Academic Year:  优先考虑高年级学生,因为他们未来加入一个街区的机会较少.
  • Need Level: 优先考虑由财政援助办公室定义的经济需求较高的学生.

Because the Off-Campus Block Aid Pool is limited, CC cannot guarantee aid to all students for any particular program.  We try to accommodate as many students as possible, 但对于低需求的学生或在CC职业生涯的早期被列入援助名单的学生来说,这并不罕见,因为有大量的大四或大三学生有资格获得援助奖. 

The amount awarded is based on your level of financial need. AY Financial Aid Awards take into account the total course costs, including the program fee, estimated airfare, and any additional costs such as a required visa.  奖学金数额是根据项目费用加上项目目的地往返机票的估计费用确定的.  All aid awards cover a percentage of this estimated total cost, ranging from 20% of coverage to 90% of coverage. No award will cover 100% of the estimated program cost.

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Report an issue - Last updated: 01/22/2024