Virtual 专业 Fair

学生 at CC must declare a major by the end of their sophomore year. 你准备好了吗?? Have you picked a major yet? Having second thoughts about your current major? Curious about major requirements?  

This year the 大二学生跳 Program is hosting a virtual majors fair in lieu of our in-person program. We've gathered videos from various departments and programs on campus for your exploration, touching on topics like:

What sort of things will you learn in this major? What skills will you develop? What kind of prerequisites are there? What do post-grad opportunities look like?

Let these videos serve as a resource and spark your imagination as you explore your future at CC and beyond!

For more information on Anthropology at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 克里斯蒂娜Leza, Chair of Anthropology.


For more information on Art at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 凯伦·布里顿, Administrative Assistant for Art.


For more information on Asian Studies at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 Vibha Kapuria-Foreman, Director of Asian Studies.


For more information on Chemistry & 生物化学 at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 南希·切尼, Administrative Assistant for Chemistry & 生物化学.


For more information on Classics at CC, visit 他们的网站​, or 电子邮件


For more information on the Comparative Literature Program at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮


For more information on Economics & 业务 at CC, visit 他们的网站,或联系 格里·安妮·里德, Administrative Assistant for Economics & 业务.


For more information on Education at CC, visit 他们的网站,或联系 黛比·莫特森, Director of Teaching Education 项目.



For more information on English at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 史蒂夫·海沃德, chair of the English Department.


For more information on the Environmental Studies Program at CC, visit 他们的网站,或联系 Corina McKendry or Eric Perramond.


For more information on the Feminist & Gender Studies Program at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 海蒂刘易斯, Director of FGS.


For more information on Film and Media Studies at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮


For more information on French at CC, visit 他们的网站,或联系 Ibrahima韦德, Chair of the French Department.

For more information on Geology at CC, visit 他们的网站,或联系 曼迪Sulfrian, Administrative Assistant for the Geology Department.


For more information on German Studies at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 Michelle Christiansen, Administrative Assistant of German Studies.


For more information on History at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 Bryan Rommel-Ruiz, Director of History.


For more information on Mathematics & Computer Science at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 玛丽塔Beckert, Administrative Assistant for Mathematics & Computer Science.


For more information on Molecular Biology at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 奥利维亚哈顿, Associate Professor.


For more information on Music at CC, visit 他们的网站 或电子邮件 丽莎·格雷戈里, Administrative Assistant for Music.

For more information on Philosophy at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 海伦戴利, Chair of Philosophy.


For more information on Physics at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 Kristine朗, Chair of Physics.


For more information on Political Science at CC, visit 他们的网站, 或电子邮件 Jessca保罗, Administrative Assistant for Political Science.


For more information on Psychology & 神经科学 at CC, visit 他们的网站, 或电子邮件 安DeStefano, Administrative Assistant for Psychology & 神经科学.


For more information on Race, Ethnicity, & Migration Studies at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 艾米丽陈, Director of the REMS Department.

For more information on Religion at CC, visit 他们的网站, 或电子邮件 罗里施, Administrative Assistant for Religion.


For more information on Russian & Eurasian Studies Program at CC, visit 他们的网站,或联系 Alexei Pavlenko, chair of Russian & Eurasian Studies.


For more information on Sociology at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 丽莎·露丝, Administrative Assistant for Sociology.


For more information on Southwest Studies at CC, visit 他们的网站,或联系 Santiago Guerra, Director of the Hulbert Center for Southwest Studies.


For more information on the Spanish & Portuguese at CC, visit 他们的网站,或电邮 拿俄米木, Chair of the Spanish & Portuguese Department.


For more information on Theatre & Dance at CC, visit 他们的网站,或联系 Patrizia Herminjard or 帕拉维·埃呀尔斯.


报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/01/2022